Bluff Busters Tri Team is located in the 7 Rivers Region, including western Wisconsin, southeastern Minnesota and northeastern Iowa. Bluff Buster Triathletes have a wide range of talent, experience and time to train. We pride ourselves on inclusion and having fun while meeting personal athletic expectations and goals.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Maggie's Corner - 5 Runs: 4 states and 2 Countries
The joy of running is often about the locations and roads where I run. The weather, the smells, terrain, scenery, company... Here's a diary of my long training runs back in 2012, as I prepared for Big Sur marathon, a point to point marathon along HWY 1, up the California coast. One of the most scenic race I've ever done and it was a fun one to prepare as well, as you're about to read. I was living in California back then and had multiple trips scheduled during that time, which made for a fun preparation. As they say: " its not the destination, it's the journey!"
February: Palo Alto, California. It is bright and early morning... I've got to hop on a plane shortly for Germany and I made sure I stayed up late last night to adjust for the jet lag ahead. I am quite tired and a little (a lot?) grumpy. There is something unique about the California sun that makes everything automatically better. And the wonderful smell...I'll never forget this fresh smell of pine trees that is refreshing. It invigorates me as I run through the redwood trees and beautiful rolling hills. It's February afterall. I am lucky I'm not in Wisconsin right now fighting the snow!
February: Munich, Germany. It is cold and grey here, but I bundle up and I am ready to run through the English Garden. No better way to visit than by foot. It is so beautiful and again, I enjoy so much discovering a new country, and Munich is now one of my favorite city with it's history, culture...and world class bakeries! (and beer...of course). As I run by two German, one yells: run Foresst run!" in a thick German accent. I guess it is pretty obvious that I am from America with my bright Nike shirt and bright shoes! I then discover that Apple Strudel and German Beer make for the perfect recovery snack post run (yep, even consumed together!)
March: Las Vegas, Nevada: I have a business meeting but I have my priorities...As soon as I land, I take my rental care straight to Red Rock Canyon, change in my running shoes and up the road I go. I then wonder how many people will skip the casinos for a run today? Well, I soon find out I am not alone. I apparently am running on the same route, amongst participants of a stage running race. Plenty of cheerful spectators, supporters and running mates accompany me during my long run. And it doesn't hurt that I am running in one of the most scenic part of Las Vegas: along the red rocks formation. I am certainly ok skipping the smokey casinos right now. Did I say it is my favorite place to run...? (ok...most places seem to be my favorite!...)
March: Minneapolis, Minnesota. A quick junt in snowy Midwest to visit my boyfriend. I am somewhat sadden by the fact that I fit perfectly in a pair of tights...His tights! (shouldn't it be too baggy?...oh well!). I am frozen to the core as soon as I step outside, struggling with my footing as if I had just learned how to walk. But soon I am reminded why I love the Midwest so much in the winter: the stillness of freshly fallen snow...nothing more picturesque than this (again..every run seem to be my favorite...you get the point!).
April: Naples Florida: Hum...I had no idea that people still wore velvet-like old school running suits...while walking their dogs. This should certainly banned! I am running in a retirement community and soon get somewhat lost/stuck in a gated community. Which has me jumping the fence...Oups! Maybe I'm too old for that? (I then had to explain to my boyfriend why have bleeding scratches on my arms and legs!)
There are days when training for an event can seem like a chore. But most times, I just find it to be pure bliss, being able to run, being able to experience everything and what every route has to offer. I am seldomly bored and until I become bored, I'll keep on going back for more.
Stay healthy!
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