Saturday, February 7, 2015

Maggie's Corner - 15 Years

     This year marks my 15th year in the sport. The sport of swim-bike-run has taught me a lot over the years. I keep waiting for the day I'm going to wake up and want to do something else, but the day has yet to come. I was recently reflecting on those past years and wondered what keeps me going back for some more, year after year. And the answer is quite simple in fact. I love the sport for everything it brings to my life, and just not the medals.

     I have been living away from my family for almost two decades now, as work brought me to the United States. I grew up in a very simple farm town, and my siblings still live 10min from the house we grew up in. Somehow, sport has brought us together in a way I had never imagined. My family has traveled all over to come and "see me" race, when I actually believe they use this excuse as an occasion to all get together and share adventures. My dad has not missed a single Kona race. My sister still insist on getting my race schedule every year and I still need to call her after each race to let her know how I did. Of course, the result is always followed by a fun, sisters-only type of conversation as I drive back from the race. My brother was motivated to start running by the age of 40, then completed an ironman by age 50. My sister even took on running and races as well. It is then my turn to receive her post race call to hear all the details of her day. My father even participated in a relay, happily racing his hybrid bike after my brother completed the swim portion, to then pass the baton to my niece to complete the run. My older brother has become the official "flag bearer", responsible to hand me the Quebec flag before I cross the finish line of my Ironman races. The sport of triathlon has created bonds within my family that i would have never imagine would be. This summer, I have signed up for IM Mont Tremblant and cannot wait for the pre race meal with aunts, uncles and cousins, driving down for the event. My sport is just as much about gathering my family together, sharing happy moments and love, as it is to cross the finish line.

To 15 more years in the sport!
Stay healthy,

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